Questions on Stresses
- EA=2x105 N/mm2; EB=9.65x106 N/mm2
- Two poles each carrying thick circular cross-sectional wires of diameter 2 cm are separated by a distance of 10 m. The two wires are initially loosened such that they can be imagined to be segments of a circle of radius R. Conditions arises such that the upper wire receives heat and lower wire rejects heat. The initial temperature of both the wire is same and the amount of heat absorbed and rejected by the wires is same. Both wires are carrying current I. Find the maximum temperature such that both the wires just prevents from getting touched.Coefficient of thermal expansion=αE (upper wire) =E (lower wire) =2x105 N/mm2
- An automobile has a brake drum arrangement, which comprises of a circular drum of effective radius 0.75 m. A rectangular brake pad of thickness 10 mm is placed at a distance from brake disc such that when brake is applied the pad touches the brake disc and the wheel travels a stopping distance of 1.75 m without slipping. Initially the pad was with thermal equilibrium with the surrounding and was at 38oC and after the braking effect the final temperature of pad hits 89o C. Find the volumetric expansion of brake pad.
x indicates frictional surface. µs=0.8;
µk=0.6; E (brake pad) =0.96x103 N/mm2; coefficient of thermal expansion=α
- x indicates frictional surface. µs=0.9; µk=0.75
- Consider the following arrangement:A rectangular beam of length 0.45 m is hinged by a pin joint on a vertical was and the other end is fitted on a roller support which can have a translation motion on a frictional surface. The inclination angle β is 38.5o. The temperature raises by 187o C. Find:§ Stress attained if another vertical wall is located at a horizontal distance of 1.02 m from the upper hinged end of the beamE (rectangular beam) =2x105 N/mm2. µs=0.8; µk=0.65; cross-sectional area of beam=0.89 m2
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