Mohr Circle-Part I
Mohr circle is a graphical method to find the principal stresses, principal planes, maximum shear stress, planes of maximum shear stress, and normal and shear stresses on any inclined plane and at any point. Mohr circle is extensively used in engineering problems because it can give result for any above mentioned quantity quite easily. Consider the following cases: A Cube Image a cube of any specified material in space co-ordinates namely x, y and z respectively and the orientation of these orthogonal axis is specified. Now mark any point which is going to reside inside a cube. Now by specifying that we have consider a point means it is an infinitesimal quantity. Since it is infinitesimal small we ignored its spin along the co-ordinate axis and so the three degree of freedom due to spin is equal to zero. From our marked point infinite number of planes can passed and we wish to find any of our desired stress component along the selected plane. So our Mohr circ...